March 18, 2007


Though the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) has stalled peace negotiations, many Ugandans believe peace is attainable.

"I strongly believe that through negotiations we can get genuine peace...we are all tired of war everybody is tired of it and we just want to be able to move on and return to our ancestral home," says Mozambique's former leader and United Nations envoy Joachim Chissano.

Many in the Acholi community think the only hope for peace in Northern Uganda is reconciliation, believing traditional justice should be used rather than that of the International Criminal Court (ICC).

Justice is a complex and touchy issue in the halted peace negotiations and for many Ugandan citizens. Many children abducted into the LRA (themselves victims), were forced to commit attrocious acts on the very community they hope to reintegrate.

However, despite the set backs, many Ugandans believe this is the best chance to end the conflict since it began.

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